Data Science

Generative AI Models Explained
AI and Data Science Insights
AltexSoft PickMaster Data Management Explained with Examples
The Good and Bad of NumPy Scientific Computing Python Library
What is Semi-Structured Data? Examples, Formats, and Characteristics
Data Warehouse Architecture: Layers, Components, and Schemas
Generative AI Models Explained
Machine Learning, Explained
Semi-Supervised Learning, Explained with Examples
What is Data Modeling? Types, Process, and Tools
Data Mining: The Process, Types, Techniques, Tools, and Best Practices
Data Engineering Concepts, Processes, and Tools
Language Models, Explained: How GPT and Other Models Work
Recommender Systems: Behind the Scenes of Machine Learning-Based Personalization
Snowflake, Redshift, BigQuery, and Others: Cloud Data Warehouse Tools Compared

Machine Learning, Explained
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How AI Sound and Music Generation Works
Imagine if legendary musicians could create new songs today! Thanks to AI, that’s now a reality. In this video, we explore how artificial intelligence generates music in the style of Nirvana, completes Beethoven’s symphonies, and even clones voices. Discover how AI is transforming sound, creating new hits, and raising questions about copyright.

Data Storage for Analytics and Machine Learning
How do you store data to make it useful? Simple! You put it in a database, or a data warehouse, or a lake, or a lakehouse. It may actually be complex, just a matter of questions you’re trying to answer with data.

Data Management in Travel: Why It’s So Hard
Travel businesses, whether they accept it or not, are, in fact, data businesses. Here, data sources are varied and decentralized, from online bookings to in-destination activities. Each source adds a fragment of the traveler’s journey, creating a patchwork of information that needs to be carefully pieced together. So how does data management in travel industry work?